Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Beginnings (And a New Look)

Happy summer! Don’t think this is as big of a deal for something people that aren’t in school (or teach school), but for a college student, summer time means a ton more free time. And a ton more time for writing. With summer starting, I feel like it’s time for other new beginnings (which is why I changed the design of my blog to this cleaner look). Knowing my obsession with lists, you can’t be that surprised that I’m about to give you another one…

5 Things That I Will (Hopefully) Do This Summer
1. Blog once a week: Yikes. I just promised (kind of) to do that. But if I can’t do it during the summer, I’m never going to be able to do it during the school year, which is the ultimate goal. So yeah. Once a week. I promise. I hope. I’ll try?
2. Submit my work for regular editing: Geez, why do all of these sound so scary? Don’t get me wrong: I like editing and I even like being edited (sometimes). But committing to regular editing? It means that I am going to have people reading my stuff once a week for scrutiny. I am going to have to produce enough each week (and clean it up enough) to send it off to an editor. But it’s good. It is. It is. I just gotta say it to myself a few more times.
3. Start to combine my love of food and writing on this blog. I have a plan for how to do this, which I will express in a later blog post. The bottom line is, get reading for some recipes!
4. Finish my current WIP: Yeah. I’m in a hole and I know from experience that getting in a hole at this point in my WIP is bad news bears. So I have to push through whatever rut I’m in. And the best way I know how to do it is to just sit down and write.
5. Read 10 books: for fun. These last two words are the key ones.  I read plenty during the school year, and they are good books (er, most of them.). But this summer I want to read books that I pick. So far, I’m two books in and working on the third. I may be posting reviews as I go. Want to follow my progress and read with me? The first book of the summer was A Fault in Our Stars by John Green (amazing!) and the second was The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood (love her). Currently? Delirium by Lauren Oliver. 

Do you have any summer writing/reading goals? Tell me about ‘em. And, if I stay good on my goals, I’ll be talking to you again really soon!