Monday, April 30, 2012

Success Kid: When Memes Apply to Real Life

Today, I finally got my query letter to the place it needs to be. For anyone else who’s had to write a query letter, you know what a great (and elusive) feeling this is. How great? This great:

Success Kid, how I envy your everlasting sense of victory.

Because I know that in a few days, I’m going to look at this query letter that I feel so proud of right now and think, “Really? That’s the best you can do?” At first, it’s disheartening to think that these feelings of inadequacy are an ingrained part of a writer’s life. But then I think, what if it wasn’t? Would that make me happy with the subpar? I don’t want that. I’ll take the feelings of inadequacy if it means I get to feel like Success Kid some days.

Critiques are a good example of this. Every day I walk into a workshop for my creative writing classes, I want to pee my pants  get really nervous. I’m anxious about what people might say about my writing. I’m anxious about coming across too harsh about other people’s writing. But mostly, I’m anxious about not getting that harsh feedback or not being too critical about someone else’s piece. If I went into workshop expecting nothing but compliments and giving nothing but smiles in return, I’d get nowhere.

I don’t want someone to tell me that what I have is perfect. Because nothing is perfect and I don’t want to settle. As writers, it’s our job not to take the easy way out and say, “It’s not getting any better.” So with this in mind, I’m going to enjoy this feeling of success today and then I’ll come back to the letter later and see what can be done. And I hope you do too!

If you want to check out the query letter for my WIP, you can find it under “The Writing Desk” up top. Have comments about how it can be better? Please, leave them in the comments! Want me to look at yours? E-mail me! Then we can all be Success Kids.

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