Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Curiouser and Curiouser...

So here we are. There is something super intimidating about putting words out into the internet and hoping they mean something (or at least that someone will read them). But, that aside, I’m excited to start this and take a tumble down the rabbit hole!

My name is Alice, and as much as I would love to say I was named after THE Alice (the Lewis Carroll Alice), I’m not. That said, it’s still my favorite book and movie, if we are talking about the Disney animated version. And I like to think that having that name is some kind of good literary omen. Here’s to hoping.

As much as I hate the obligatory icebreaker, it’s probably appropriate here. 

 My stand-by answer for that “what’s something interesting about yourself” question is that I write novels. But given the nature of this blog, that’s a bit obvious, so I’m going to have to get a bit more creative. So here we go. Five “interesting” things about Alice:
1. Out of the many things that make me happy, there are two that really stand out: writing and cooking. Writing, I've always loved, but cooking is a more recent obsession. I've always loved food, but it wasn't until recently that I decided that if I love food so much, cooking might be a good hobby. This blog, with any luck, will fuse my love of writing/reading and food into a literary/cooking blog. 
2. I’m the quintessential Hufflepuff. This might be because I’m excessively well-intending but also extraordinarily awkward. But I like to think it’s because I’m nice.

3. I have an irrational fear of fish hooks and my basement.
4. My favorite classes to take in college are things like art history and film analysis, solely so that I can be as pretentious as possible in my future life.
5. My goal in college is to start an a cappella group of people who can’t sing. We shall be called “Not Too Sharp” and we will be terrible great. 

Can't wait to get started!

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